Mike’s 11 Top-ten of 2001
Enemy at the Gates. Superb war movie about the siege of Stalingrad.
Memento. Christopher Nolan’s stylish thriller is more than a memory-loss gimmick.
Amores Perros. Brilliantly constructed drama of contemporary Mexico.
With a Friend Like Harry. French thriller with a strong, dark sense of humor.
Shrek. Wit, romance, great animation. One of the all-time best.
Ghost World. Off-beat comic book adaptation.
Deep End. Unpredictable mystery about mom Tilda Swinton protecting her son.
Go Tigers! Wonderful documentary about high school football in Massillon, Ohio.
Training Day. Oscar winning vehicle for Denzel Washington as charismatic corrupt cop.
Donnie Darko. Is it s-f? Fantasy? A journey into the disturbed psyche of teen Jake Gyllenhaal?
Ocean’s 11. First rate caper flick with top drawer ensemble cast.